
Launching BTL CardioPoint Flexi

We are proud to present our newest pocket-sized Wireless ECG, ready to offer you unlimited flexibility for Resting and Stress Test ECGs! 

BTL CardioPoint FLEXI was launched during one of the biggest conferences in Europe, Latin America, and Asia.



How is this possible? The ECG device sends records wirelessly to the BTL CardioPoint platform and becomes a flexible system that simplifies your work, not only in the hospital or medical office, but also in the field.

The Wireless ECG is simple and adaptive and provides unlimited mobility, excellent ECG readability, and diagnostic confidence in combination with BTL CardioPoint features, such as ST maps, the QT module, and ECG comparison.

Curious about our new product? Check out our newly added Wireless ECG and Wireless Stress Test webpages for more information!




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Not all products and indications may be licensed in your country. For more information, contact your local representative.


In the EU, the following products are registered under different names: 

Focused Shockwave (BTL-6000 FSWT), Radial Shockwave (BTL-6000 RSWT), Super Inductive System (BTL-6000 Super Inductive System), High Intensity Laser (BTL-6000 High Intensity Laser), TR-Therapy (BTL-6000 TR-Therapy), Spinal Decompression (BTL-6000 Traction and BTL Spinal Decompression), Cryotherapy (BTL Cryotherapy), HandsFree Sono ( (BTL-4000 Smart / Premium); Combined Units (BTL-4000 Smart / Premium), Electrotherapy with vacuum unit (BTL-4000 Premium + BTL-Vac II), Low-Level Laser Therapy (BTL-4000 Smart / Premium), Magnetotherapy (BTL-4000 Smart / Premium), Combined Units (BTL-4000 Smart / Premium), Diathermy (BTL-6000 Shortwave and BTL-6000 Microwave), CPMotion (BTL-CPMotion), Lymphatic Drainage (BTL-6000 Lymphastim), Couches (BTL-1100, BTL-1300, BTL-1500), Hydrotherapy (BTL-3000)